Twilight is the story of a teenage girl named Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) who moves from Pheonix Arizona to the small town of Forks, Washington. Once there, Bella becomes interested in a quiet, strange, sometimes stand- offish boy named Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) turning this into a story of star- crossed lovers much like Romeo and Juliet but with fangs. Edward is very secretive and determined to stay away from Bella, but cannot resist her determination, forcing him to reveal his secret to her. He and his family are vampires, some of them more than one hundred years old.
As Bella and Edward grow closer and his family’s true nature is revealed to her, Bella falls completely in love with him. Problems arise however, when a group of three nomadic vampires with superior hunting skills begin tracking Bella across Forks and ultimately across the country. Edward struggles to keep Bella alive and human racing the clock and trying to out- think and out- wit vampires with no conscience and no regard for human life. Struggling to win Bella’s life against vampires he has no idea how to handle, a breed only out for blood, in a contest to prove which vampire is the strongest and most determined to win. Based on the number one bet- selling novel of the same name by Stephanie Meyer, Twilight is a teenage love story with a twist. The cast also includes Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Lautner, and Rachel LeFevre.