The final installment of the vampire franchise, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” was released on November 16, 2012 by Lionsgate in the U.S. due to its merger with Summit Entertainment. Based on the Novel, “Breaking Dawn” by Stephanie Meyer, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” will close the series. All three main cast members, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, are appearing in the movie.
The plot still revolves around Bella and her family. She is enjoying her life and new powers after the birth of her daughter, Renesmee. But they are threatened with a new menace. Vampire Irina believes Renesmee could challenge the power and existence of Volturi, so she rally Volturi to destroy the potential threat including Bella and Cullens. They assemble their allies and to launch a crucial, ultimate fight to protect their family. As the novel, Bella finally says “…then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever.”
The movie had a $340.9 million worldwide opening, which was the eighth largest ever and highest for the Twilight franchise. It is expected to dominate the Box Office in coming weeks in spite of the showing of “Skyfall”, a bond movie.